Monday, September 30, 2013

Character Window in the Rough

Hey all,

Back at it, I've finally gotten the character pane to start to generate tabs.  Take a look:
Important data coming soon!  I probably should have focused on a vampire or werewolf, but I picked what came up first.
As you might notice, I have major inside yet.  It's a-comin', but the tabs are completely generated from an XML control file!  Soon I should have all parts there at this rate by the end of October, and hopefully be able to save and delete, too.

ZBott out!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Back to the XML!

Hey all,

So I'm back to rebuilding the MET MGV XML file. (AKA Mind's Eye Theater Mobile Grave Vine eXtention Markup Language).  This file will determine lay out for the files, and, after a bit, save and file printing functions.

Here's what I got so far:
Yay, code!

This only covers what you'll find all classes, and it's missing several parts that determine if a field is a small box, like Name, or a table like XP.

I'll keep you all posted when I get the actual program to eat this and spit out something worth looking at, till then, say class.


Update!  I now have it sorting out character types by the second file:

Now it will pull out all appropriate character types, not just me having to specify.  Getting much closer to soft coding all of this.  Next week, I'll be working on making the character windows actually spawn correctly, the character list populate with correct data, and the details show actual details.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Now with Character List

Hey all,

So lately I've been working on streamlining towards my game specific rules files, and I've gotten this much to show:

With Grapevine's character list for comparison
Not very pretty yet, I know.  A friend of mine says it looks like Windows 98, so I'm tempted to make the background that sickly green felt color just to get back at him.

Soon I'm going to have it stop spawning the character files, instead you'll need to go to the character list.  I'll make the character list close-able, too, when I get it working right.  I'll also start to sort out the game files by game dates, game specs, items, plots, and so on, and they will get their own list windows, too, which will be accessible from the menus.

This step means both I'm still at it, but more importantly, I can start to work on making the columns game specific, and start to present important details.  Sadly, it means that at this pace it'll be a while before the applet gets to a website.  Sorry, I hope to have it done by the end of the year, and that might not happen with only two days a week to focus on this.  Still set on a summer release of the android version, hopefully better news next time.

Tell me what you think in comments below.


Update!   I got the pictures rolling, though not the data pane.  Take a look:

This is including all data gathered, even if faultily displayed at the moment, will work to correct soonish.

Hopefully it gives a better idea on what to expect.  I don't have pictures for the icons, those belong to Grapevine, and as I'll be capitalizing this privately, I'll only use Grapevine's icons if and when I can buy the rights from Adam Cerling and co.

Update 2!  Just some more edits to the pane so it looks closer to right:

Also at full size, so you get a good idea of what to expect
The character name, group, sub group are going to be populating soon, the NPC will be check boxes, and the active will list full status such as dead or harrowing.  For now, I work 7 days in a row, so this won't really get much loving till then.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Prepare for some code!

Hey all,

Sorry I'm late, just been a busy week.

I've stepped over one problem to work on another, so I'm going back to XML code.  Here's what I got so far:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mgv game="grapevine">
               <physical type="text" tab="2" placement="right_top" />
               <social type="text" tab="2" placement="center_top" />
               <mental type="text" tab="2" placement="right_top" />
               <negPhysical type="text" tab="2" placement="right_bottom" />
               <negSocial type="text" tab="2" placement="center_bottom" />
               <negMental type="text" tab="2" placement="left_bottom" />
            <ability />
            <background />
            <influence />
            <merits />
            <flaws />
            <gifts />
            <rites />
               <honor />
               <glory />
               <wisdom />
            <other />
         <items />
         <history />
   <game />
   <rules />

What all that is, is the prototype for the Grapevine data format class thing (technical term there) which my Mobile Grapevine will use to parse in, then read out per class, item, etc.  This is only a very limited bit, focusing again on my test case of Werewolf characters.  When it's working, whenever it sees a Werewolf character, it will pump out a properly formatted window pane, and the data will go into the correct fields.  My two week goal will to be that screen shot.  Stay tuned!
