Thursday, May 16, 2013

Applet in the Raw

Hey all,

Layouts are tough, but I'm tougher, or however the hyperbole goes.  I've gotten the character info pane together enough for a screen shot:

Now I'm going to be bringing in Traits, Abilities, and Advantages into the mix.  Then Vampires will get a treatment, followed by saving and generating an XML GEX file.  Once all of those are together, I'll be find a place to host it and putting it online!  My hope is by June, but as May is half way done and I'm struggling to find time to work on this, no promises just yet.

Details on the Applet's next step:

Traits Pane: Physical, Social, Mental.  Each will just be populating into a text box and allow entries to be highlighted.  The highlighted entries can have their level raised or lowered, but once they hit zero, they delete out.  There will also be an "Add ** Trait" where the stars are the specific category.  Adding will launch a pop up where you can enter the name, level, and any notes.

Abilities Pane: A lot like the Traits pane, but only one box and one add button.  Removing all levels from an ability will drop it.  Adding will launch a popup as well.

Advantages Pane: This one will be a little bit different from the other two, as it will have subpanes of Tempers, Renown, Merits, Flaws, Health, Rites, and Gifts.  Tempers will detail temp and perm levels of Rage, Gnosis, Willpower.  Renown will look like Tempers but cover Glory, Honor, and Wisdom.  Merits and Flaws will be similar to Traits and Abilities.  Rites and Gifts will have the ability to pick between Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced, with an out of BTA button to add +1 to the cost.  Health will be closer to Exalted (For those familiar) by having a number of check boxes, some autofilled to normal levels.

With the Vampire update I'll be pulling non-generic info out of the Character pane into a separate venue specific one, where Vampire's will cover things Clan and Coterie, and Werewolf will cover things like Tribe and Auspice.  The Advantage section will be the only other thing that will change, reflecting Disciplines instead of Gifts, Blood instead of Rage or Gnosis, and Combo Disciplines and Rituals instead of Rites.

Once launched, I'll be letting people play with it, finding errors and fixing them, while I work on the next part that'll deal with experience and expenditures, and saving a catalog of previously entered options.  This will in turn be savable to the users computer.  I might even be able to make Applet Grapevine mimic most if not all the functionality of the Grapevine application, so then anyone with access to the internet could use it.  That will be an interesting bonus on the way to Mobile Grapevine!

As usual, let me know what you want to see, any questions you have, or feel free to donate either to my Paypal or by checking out my advertisers, because I'm not above begging.

ZBott out!

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