Thursday, May 10, 2012

Rebuilt and Reloaded

Over the next few days, I'll be posting a lot more as I'll be focusing much more attention to the program as other classes have let up.

Tonight, though, I've been rebuilding my environment (again) because of installation problems (again) in both Eclipse and Android SDK. I've gotten the issue resolved for the most part, though I'm still rather frustrated at having to redo this for the forth time this semester alone.

Actual Programming Progress: Flushed the program to include all character stats as entries.
Related Problem: It's now not reading the PLAYER_NAME and CHARACTER_NAME correctly onto the main screen. Old axiom of fix one and break another still holds true.

On 6pm Friday, I'll be going to my month Werewolf LARP within the The Garou Nation, an organization that links multiple games together under a standardize set of bylaws for transfer of character, in game properties, and alike. Most of my play-testers for the Werewolf version (Version 0.10) are part of this org, so I can start to show them as well what to expect.

Till the tomorrow,



  1. Not to be nerdy at all, but I git really excited when I saw this post. I would really like to see this happen. I have a few Ideas.... please I want this to happen, if you want help I will help. Also part of OWBN...

    1. Hey 3J/Hammer,
      I've been forced to take a break on the program over these last few weeks due to graduating and looking for a job, but starting this weekend I'll be plugging away and trying to get screen shots of my really rough version.

      As for help, if you know anyone who can donate (I'm the programming equivalent of a starving artist), or which games can handle doing large play testing the app (must have Android devices) please direct them here. I've never played with One World By Night (OWbN), but I would love their input, as they have a wide range of gamers who come from just starting out to decades long veterans to the LARPing scene.

    2. I have been searching endlessly for a grapevine app, and I cannot tell you how fantastic it is to have found you. My friend and I run a owod larp, and I have been scouring the net for a way to move our project to the digital age.

      At this point I was almost ready to hire someone to build a mobile grapevine. Do you have a place where people can donate to the project? I would love to chat with you about it.

      A character builder would solve many of our issues, and if you perhaps added a way to use/spend blood, willpower, gnosis, ect that the STs can view, it would be the most amazing gift a programmer could make.

      I.Hume 1337.shino@

    3. Hi Mr. Malts,

      Sorry for the late reply, if you'd like to donate, please use to the Donate widget on the upper right hand corner of my blog. At the moment I only use PayPal, mainly due to lack of other real options for my price range. If I can get enough funds from donations, I can spend more time writing code instead of seeking a job and working on Mobile Grapevine with what little time I have left over.

      As for reaching me, I'll be paying more attention to the blog and start trying to answer personal emails. I'm also making a new, proper post this month.

  2. Project dead?
    I can help to translate the program to spanish if you need.

    1. Sorry for the late reply.

      No, it's not dead, just on hiatus till I get my job situation worked out. If you know people who can donate to help keep my at my keyboard working on the app instead of running around looking for a job, I can get back to working on what I'd rather be doing - building Mobile Grapevine.

      As for Spanish translation, that would be something kind of down the road, but I'll keep you in mind.

  3. Yes, I do have a fairly large area to play test it at. If you would want to send out a copy i can spread it around

  4. The Knox College troupe game uses Grapevine exclusively and most of staff and a number of players run Android. We'd be more than happy to help, and I'd be more than happy to start passing a hat around.

    If you need a mirror to host files, let me know.
