Thursday, August 22, 2013

Frames, JFrames, and the #test Menace

Hey all,

After a day of working on it, I got this to show:

What does this mean?  I now have frames!  Nothing is inside them at the moment because I'm just testing frames from a .GEX file.  In here I'm going to put tabs, and inside said tabs I'm putting the data you want to see, and I mean your game data of course!

I have another day of code with my only other plan to be a long bike ride.  Until then, feel free to make a bizarre background out of my screen shot if you have nothing better to do.  As gamers, I hope you do have something better to do, otherwise we have no plots!


After thought: What other games are people looking to have a Grapevine like program for?  I know the Fate system has someone working on an app for it, and there is one for Legends of the 5 Rings, but what do you want, personally?  Leave the game you want to see Grapevine-ified in the comments below.


I got a little farther, so I wanted to post showing what it looks like with tabs:

I'm having some weird error drawing in the correct data, but I'll be fixing that, and the sizing issue soon.  I might just skip ahead a little and make it where the areas that should have data (instead of 'null') will be a text field with the correct data inside.  -ZBott

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fun with Tabs

Hey all,

I know some people have been keeping tabs on me (Puns!), so I want to show what I have so far.  Nothing amazing, but it does have promise.  This is the very rough stage of making an entire GEX file load up all it's pertinent data into tabs.

Problems I'm working out: It's full of odd junk data (#text:  is half of my tabs!), it doesn't layer quite right so the traits aren't nesting under the character sheet, and is quite limited on how far it can grow.  All this will be fixed soon, it's all just stupid bugs that need smacking.

I wanted to go on to match the full image length, but this post is mostly a rush to have it out this week sort of deal, and not leave people wondering where I am when I promised to get back to work.


PS: Still exceedingly poor.  I couldn't go to Gen Con this year, though I don't exactly have a lot to show if I went.  Even going there as a spectator is wildly out of my price range.  I hope to go next year, though, and to many more showcasing a working, in-phone version of the app.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Question to the Vampire: The Masquerade Crowd

Hey all,

Odd problem has been causing me some grief, and I realized I might not need to worry about it.  How many use the Aura field for both level and name?  Or even at all?  If it's used it make XML all made because of duplicate attributes.

It looks like this for those who don't know what I mean.

If it's important to games, I'll make sure it flows over nicely, but otherwise for each thing I don't need to worry about the better off I am.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Returns

Hey all,

All this summer till now I've been exceedingly busy, but now I have some more time on my plate to work on the program.  Each week I'll be trying to get at least one post out covering my progress toward Applet Grapevine, the test bed for all things going into the final app.

I did a little coding today:

This is a more sophisticated used of XML compared to last time, where I'm choosing what I pull instead of just dumping everything into the terminal.  Still pretty much just spitting out data like I did months ago, however it's using pure XML instead of me pulling it out and turning it into a text string.

For now my plan is to use just XML for the data, and then finding a way to have users generate rule sets for games.  This will eventually lead to there being 3 files related to the game: The game's data itself, the official rule set, and then house rules addendum file.  I know most of this is reiterating everything, sorry if it seems redundant.

With my next post I hope to have things back to a graphical user interface for people, instead of dry text.

ZBott out